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I am Tegan Philp (BA PgDip MSc)
Registered Nutritional Therapist ANP GNC

Cultivate Natural Health was founded by Tegan, an Australian born, London based Naturopathic Nutritionist. Tegan is an Msc qualified Nutritionist, naturopath and NLP coach who has worked in health education for leading health and wellness colleges in Australia and the United Kingdom.

After moving to London, Tegan decided to share her knowledge gained through study, work and a lifetime of healthy living through Cultivate Natural Health.

Tegan is Head of Education for the largest Naturopathic Association in the UK and Europe, The ANP. 

She also works for The College of Naturopathic Medicine where she is a senior member of the academic team, and as a consultant for Healthpath a functional medicine testing company based in London.

She is a registered member at ANP and GNC

"I am passionate about using food as nutritional medicine and strongly believe we are all armed with our own healing powers to control our health and wellness through using traditional wholefoods, naturopathic medicine and integrative diagnostics".

What clients say…

  • My test results revealed I had an underlying Thyroid problem which wasn’t picked up by my GP. Tegan helped me to balance my Thyroid and educated me on what foods and supplements would help me to lose those extra kilos that I haven’t been able to shift for a decade! Truly life-changing

    Ella - Central London